Three Hands

Stan Clark, Joanne Yeaton, Carol Brighton

2016 · monotype · 30" x 22"

Three Hands

Stan Clark, Joanne Yeaton, Carol Brighton

2016 · monotype · 30" x 22"

Welcome, and thank you for visiting!

This isn't a typical artist's website. It doesn't cite my formal art education, because I didn't have one; there is no list of exhibitions, because I've had none, other than a group show in the lobby of a small playhouse; there is no artist's statement, and none of the pieces on the site are for sale. I've been interested in visual art for the whole of my adult life, and at intervals have made images of various sorts. I put this site together for my own purposes, so it doesn't include only "recent work" (of which there has been alarmingly little, anyway); instead, it comprises pretty much everything I've done that I still like to look at. The purpose of the site is to present the pieces in the best possible light, collecting them all together so I can see them as parts of a whole, and maybe learn something from them.

An old Irish proverb reminds us, "It is in the shelter of each other that the people live." For ten years I was privileged to share weekly monotype classes with my fellow student Joanne Yeaton and our teacher, master printer and papermaker Carol Brighton. It was in their shelter that I learned to make monotypes, and to begin to have the confidence to show my work to others. I owe more to both than I can ever express. It is fitting that the home page of this site be occupied by an image that, while begun by me, was finished by the three of us together. I no longer remember which of us did what, which is also fitting.

How the site works: Click a thumbnail to see a popup containing the image as it appears on paper. Click the image on the popup to open a higher resolution version of only the image on a black field in a new browser tab. Click that image to enlarge it; click the enlargement to toggle it back to its original size. Close the new browser tab to return to the popup; close the popup to return to the thumbnail menu.