Old Favorites

For Mark Tobey

1972 · tempera · 11.5" x 17"

For František Kupka

1981 · marker · 14" x 10.5"

Out West

1981 · marker · 10.5" x 14"


Adventures with tempera after seeing the Mark Tobey retrospective at Seattle Art Museum in the early 1970's.

Fanciful Landscapes


Inner Landscapes of 1972 (a pretty scary time)


1972 · tempera · 24" x 18.75"

Secrets (never finished, barely begun)

1972 · tempera · 24" x 18.75"

Some Early Doodles & Drawings

Some Drawings from the 1970's

Doodling instead of paying attention to a deadly boring professional class.

Some Drawings from the 1980's

First Drawings—while camped at the Pacific Ocean beach in Washington State near Sand Point,

opposite Lake Ozette—with whatever materials fell to hand.

Early drawings that went on to lead long and satisfying lives as the originals of pieces developed later.